The last weeks have been a bit slow when it comes to the ice boat build. One reason for slow progress is that the family visited a ski resort for a couple of days.
When this picture was taken the weather was perfect! Only a couple of degrees below zero almost no wind and sun shining from a clear blue sky. Perfect conditions for down hill skiing! When it comes to outdoor activities regardless if it is summer or winter activities they are always to some extent relying on the weather. Ice boating is no exception and when it comes to being weather sensitive ice boat sailing must be one of the worst. You need both ice and wind conditions to be good to enable sailing. Not to mention that you need to have the day off when the conditions are favorable.
Back to the topic some small progress has been made on the boat also.
In the plans for the Isabellakiss iceboat the runner plank fastening is with straps. I will try a similar fastening arrangement.
Location of the front side of runner plank measured and marked. Fixing blocks made to fix the plank in correct place.
Holes for the straps being made.
The fixing blocks were glued and screwed to the hull.
The bottom of the hull was left un coated earlier. But now all wood work on the hull is ready and varnish can be applied to the bottom also.