Sunday, 19 November 2017

Standing rigging part two. Support mast, mast extension and stays.

Based on the measures taken earlier support mast, and mast extension are made.

Mast extension in the making.

Lathe set up.

I happened to take away a bit to much material on the first extension piece so I ended up making two mast extension pieces...

Next up is the support mast witch is made of 48mm round bar.

Surface treatment.

The support mast in place.

I used 5mm Dyneema type rope for stays. Dyneema ropes have low stretch witch make it suitable for stays.

Final adjustment of stay length is done with 3mm Dyneema rope.

The wind surfing mast attached to the support mast.

Not so relevant picture from building point of view but shows that winter is coming! If nothing unexpected happens I expect to be able to sail the ice boat this winter. How successfully remains to be seen. It will probably take another month before sea ice conditions are favorable for ice boating.